Problem Selection Committee-2020

Pavel Kozhevnikov

Deputy Chair of the Jury for the Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad, associate professor at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university), senior researcher at the Laboratory of Popularization and Promotion of Mathematics at Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of training committee of the Russian national team for the International Mathematical Olympiad, deputy editor of the journal “Kvant” (“Quantum”), member of the Problem Selection Committee for the Russian Mathematical Olympiad, a member of the Jury for the Russian Mathematical Olympiad for secondary school students, gold medal winner of the International Mathematical Olympiad in 1992, laureate of the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Science for promotion of scientific knowledge, PhD in Physics and Math.

Dmitry Belov

In charge of the problem set for the Junior League of the Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad, multiple times a winner and awardee of the Russian Mathematical Olympiad for secondary school students, member of the Jury for the Russian Mathematical Olympiad for secondary school students.

Vladimir Bragin

In charge of the problem set for the Senior League of the Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad, a member of the Jury for Moscow Mathematical Olympiad, regional round of the Russian Mathematical Olympiad for secondary school students in Moscow, three times a winner of the Russian Mathematical Olympiad for secondary school students, gold medal winner of the International Mathematical Olympiad in 2009, Grand First Prize holder at the International Mathematics Competition for University Students: IMC.

Egor Bakaev

Member of the Problem Selection Committees of the Tournament of Towns, Russian Mathematical Olympiad, Moscow Mathematical Olympiad; editor of "Kvant" (Quantum) magazine.

Peter Boyvalenkov

Professor at Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Head Coach of the Bulgarian International Math Olympiads Team.

Lev Emelyanov

Senior lecturer at the Department of Higher Mathematics at Kaluga campus of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, a member of the central subject-specific methods of teaching committee for math for the Russian Mathematical Olympiad for secondary school students, a member of the Jury for the Russian Mathematical Olympiad for secondary school students.

Charles Leytem

Jury member of the Belgian Mathematical Olympiad and International Mathematical Olympiad, research advisor of the Pan-African Mathematics Olympiad, author of problems for the Belgian Mathematical Olympiad, International Mathematical Olympiad, and Pan-African Mathematics Olympiad, founder and organizer of the Benelux Mathematical Olympiad and European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad, leader of the Luxembourg national mathematics team.

Vladislav Novikov

Member of the Jury of the Moscow Mathematical Olympiad and the regional level of the Russian Mathematical Olympiad for schoolchildren in Moscow as well as the Metropolitan Olympiad.

Alexander Polyansky

PhD in Physics and Mathematics, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Advanced Combinatorics and Network Applications at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, associate professor at the Department of Discrete Mathematics at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Morteza Saghafian

Chair of the Iranian Geometry Olympiad (IGO), PhD student in Computer Science at Sharif University of Technology, Gold Medal winner of the International Mathematical Olympiad in 2005, a member of Problem Selection Committee of the Iranian Mathematical Olympiad, a member of the teaching committee of Math in Allameh Helli high school and several other mathematics schools, a trainer of the Iranian National Team for International Mathematical Olympiad.