City Integral 2021
The games will start on March 14. Each team consists of four members. All team members should stick together and move from station to station as a team, either walking or running.
Additional stations could be added to the game itinerary. The goal of each team is to get as many points as possible in the least amount of time. The stations could be encoded in math problems or given as simple addresses. If the team receives an address, it means that the members are to solve two problems, one simple, and one complex. Simple problem requires search for a particular sign\object or drawing of one. Complex problems require solving a problem with given numbers or figures marked directly on the map. If the station is encoded in a math problem, the team will need to find\draw an object or a series of numbers.
For each station, the team receives a number of points. The stations themselves are represented by a two-digit number. The first digit stands for the number of points the team receives for solving simple problems and the second – for solving complex problems. Complex problems can costs 9 or 10 points each. The judges are free to award a lesser number of points for an incomplete answer.
The participants have two competing options, according to the number of categories. The first category is “Lobachevskiy”. Participation terms are as follows:
Option length – 8,5 hours;
No judges present
The answers go unchecked right till the finish line
The second category is Euclid. Participation terms are as follows:
Option length – 2,5 hours
English version of the problems is available on demand
Judges will be present at every station
Answer check is possible on demand
If the answer given is incorrect, the team has a chance to give the right one (minus two points for the team the first, minus five the next, if the number of points received for the problem allows it)