СМО math the world!

  • 12.03.2024

The IX Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad has started!

The IX International School Olympiad "Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad" has been started at Adyghe State University.

Olympiad participants are more than160 schoolchildren from 18 regions of Russia and 13 countries.

The Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad consists of two age leagues:

• Junior League: Grade 8-9 Russian students and students of equivalent grades in participating countries;

• Senior League: Grade 10-11 Russian students and students of equivalent grades in participating countries.

The Jury of the 9th Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad consist of famous mathematicians and teachers, authors of many Olympiad tasks, coaches of the Russian national mathematics team.

As part of the cultural program, schoolchildren will be introduced to the nature, history and cultural traditions of Adygea, will attend  scientific and popular lectures on mathematics and science, entertainment and sports events.

Welcome to the Republic of Adygea!