III Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad

  • 17.02.2018

The third Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad will take place on March 15-20, 2018, in Maykop, Republic of Adygea. The organizers of the Olympiad are Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea and Adyghe State University.

The International Olympiad for secondary school students “Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad” was founded in 2015 by the initiative of Daud Mamiy, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at Adyghe State University. The founder of the Olympiad was a non-profit partnership Center for new technologies in education “Matema.” The first Olympiad took place in the 2015-2016 academic year at “Sirius” Education center (Sochi, Russian Federation). School children from 15 regions of Southern Russia participated in that Olympiad.

The goal of the Olympiad is to create a cultural and educational space that unites regions of Southern Russia and countries of the Caucasus region and the Black Sea, to form and strengthen friendships among school children who are interested in Math from Russia and other countries.

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